I will proofread, edit and rewrite your documents





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About This Proposal

Everybody writes, some read and a few proofread!

I will PROOFREAD any article or text:
documents, letters, articles, books, website content, journal submissions, blog posts, Kindle e-books, resumes, business texts etc. in UK English or American English, German, and Spanish. 

Limited Time Offer: Free COPY EDIT with every order!

I guarantee to return your work in 24 hours! (Up to 2000 words).

I can often deliver up to 5000 words in 24 hours too!

I pay careful attention to detail, correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, and repetition. All my work is done PERSONALLY and PROFESSIONALLY: no outsourcing!

I will make all necessary corrections and return your completed text; you can review and accept all corrections using Microsoft Word's Track Changes feature.

I can handle large projects too, including fiction or non-fiction books, or perhaps you have a novella or thesis?

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