I will do WordPress speed optimization and improve gtmetrix, google page speed score





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About This Proposal

Why Website Speed is so important?

If your website loads super fast. Firstly your visitor feels positive and they immediately happy. I believe It will increase your sell.

GTmetrix and Google PageSpeed Insights are the best tools because we have found ourselves using more and more to get detailed reports about our site's performance.

I will perform the following tasks to improve your WP Website Speed Score and Page Load Time:

  Enabling Gzip Compression.
  Eliminate render-blocking JS & CSS files above-the-fold.
  Optimize Images

  Leverage browsing caching.
  Minify HTML, JS, and CSS files.
  Reduce server response time.
  Database and Object Caching.
  Reduce Total Page Size.

So Let's Have a Good Deal. ORDER NOW & Make Your WordPress Website Crazy Fast !!!

Thank You

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