Pray on your behalf send your prayer requests





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About This Proposal


I pray that today, you will encounter Gods Grace & Favour!!!

I don't only believe in miracles, signs and wonders but see God move mountains on behalf of others through intentional consecrated prayer and fasting. Is there anything too big for God? No, with Him all things are possible. 

I have been called to a life of prayer. Not just having a set time for prayer but to live a lifestyle that glorifies God and allows hearts and lives to be transformed and changed. “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man accomplishes much.” James 5:16b.

I will "stand in the gap” on your behalf praying for your needs.

What do I offer:

  • Basic Gig PRAY and send you what I have prayed for
  • Standard Gig PRAY & FAST for 3 days and send you what I have prayed for Premium Gig PRAY & FAST earnestly for 7 days, I can pray over Zoom also during the time.

For reviews, please check out Pursuing Holiness Daily on Facebook

We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.

Grace, Peace & Mercy.

Yours in Christ,

Biblical Counsellor | Spiritual Director | Leadership Coach

Pursuing Holiness

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