I will develop professional optimized WordPress website or blog site





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About This Proposal

Thanks for stopping at my online shop! I have extensive experience and specialization in the setup, configuration and customization of WordPress system. I have expertise in handling/building plugins and have worked with elementor, wp-bekery, woo-commerce, Divi and membership based website. I have immense experience with LMS compatible themes, i.e Boss theme, Social Lerner and eLuminer theme. I can help you to develop a good website as per your requirements with good standards and practices.


  1. Log-in info for Hosting/Domain/Server/cPanel/Admin dashboard/wp-admin
  2. Website logo(If you have)
  3. Website title and description(Must be provided)
  4. Content, Like about us, Privacy policy, Service details, Product with description, Conact details(Must be provided)
  5. Social media details
  6. Images(If you have)
  7. Primary color(If selected)
  8. Design Suggestion/Reference/competitor website

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I'm not satisfied with the work?
Covering my client's design satisfaction is my first priority so there's nothing have to worry about. If there is anything you don't like about the site I'll change it as you would prefer!
What if I don't have content for the site yet?
Don't worry about it. I'll put dummy content so you can change it easily later! Or if you need then i can help you to do that.
Do you provide hosting/domain name registration services?
No, I don't provide these services, however I can guide you to purchase the best plan from good companies.
I am ready to purchase, so what we need to get started?
I need your hosting/server login credential. If you don't have it, don't worry, I will help you to buy the best hosting service and domain for your website
Why should I message you before placing an order?
By doing so we will be able to have transparency over what is the best approach for your business and your goals so you can have your website as you need!
Can I update or change my website easily?
Yes, I am installing a page builder so you can easily change or update your website in future. Or if you need then i can create a video where you can see how thing go.

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