I will speed up shopify wix wordpress website also improve on gtmetrix





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About This Proposal

I Will Speed up WIX Shopify WordPress website also improve on Gtmetrix Google Pagespeed

You are on the right place, "Make website speed, Increases your sell".

WordPress X Sopify Speed Optimization

GTmetrix, Pingdom, Turbo and Google PageSpeed Insights are the best tools because we have found ourselves using more and more to get detailed reports about our site's performance.

I will perform this task to improve your WordPress & WIX Speed and Load Time:

  1. Reduce Total Page Size Enabling Gzip Compression
  2. Eliminate render-blocking JS & CSS files above-the-fold
  3. Optimize Images, Video
  4. Reduce server response time
  5. Leverage browsing caching
  6. Minify HTML, JS, and CSS files
  7. Defer Parsing of Possible JavaScript Files
  8. Database and Object Caching
  9. Wix loading time (only for wix)
  10. Gtmetrix, Pingdom, Turbo Googlepage speed
  11. All the required work

A Speed Up Shopify Store Offers:

  1. A faster user experience
  2. Better Google rankings
  3. Decreases bounce rates
  4. Increase in sales volume
  5. Mobile 70-100 and Desktop 90+ score on GooglePage Speed(premium pack)

-I will provide you a Complete Report and SEE THE difference between THE SITE SPEED before AND AFTER yourself!!!

Don't wait !!!!!! Order Now & Message me.

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